The Real Bloody Fox
4 min readApr 4, 2020


Analogy of the Day – Man’s best friend

When did dogs actually become man’s best friend?

Those creatures are so fucking obnoxious, they even eat their own shit and then dare wanting to lick your face right after!

A cat, on the other hand, is one of the cleanest creatures in existence. They lick themselves for hours on end, they are not making loud annoying noises and most importantly, they bury their own shit!

Cats are a highly independent species, whereas dogs are merely drooling idiots.

It seems like the old Egyptians were a hell of a lot wiser than us nowadays as they knew that cats were the actual gods.

I mean I can totally see that humans and dogs have a few things in common these days…

  1. We’re both being held prisoners with a leash round our necks. Many are desperate to break free and some have accepted the reality of being ruled by others and they don’t even try anymore
  2. We both (mostly) live in blocks made of concrete. Completely against, and cut off from our nature.

I’ve accepted a dog sitting gig late last year as I wanted to bridge a low-income period with free rent. Sometimes that’s the exciting life of an entrepreneur.

First of all, I don’t want to be ungrateful for the opportunity, because it was another one of those situations that clearly showed me what I don’t want in life.

Imagine the scene…

Although it all happened in Playa del Carmen, in the lovely Mexican Caribbean, the house was inside one of those gated complexes with security guards who seem to be working 24-hour shifts.

Soulless, empty, whitewashed blocks of concrete with huge gates in front of them. In other words – prisons, yes.

Another sign would be the huge banner at the gate, reminding you that it’s going to be an absolute marvelous day… Because only in a prison do you have to be reminded how bloody great everything is.

If you pay close attention to the faces of the people leaving those soul-sucking prisons in the morning – just to get to the next one – their corporate job, you’ll find that nobody really seems to be overly excited or looking forward to their day ahead.

And who can blame them?

Their alarm goes off at 5am, they shower, force feed, take a crap and then they spend an hour in traffic, in order to stay in an open-plan office all day with plenty of people who DID NOT shower in the morning and are even irresponsible enough to come to that place when they are sick.

After 8 hours in that prison they spend another hour in traffic to get ‘home’… A place that they pay lots of money for but barely ever spend any time in. Then they may have 2–3 hours awake to calm down from all the stress and maybe watch some Netflix before heading to bed and doing the same shit all over again in the morning!

They repeat this cycle 5 times before they get some actual time ‘for themselves’, which isn’t really time for themselves, because one day is usually spent doing the housework that has been ignored for the whole week, thanks to chronic exhaustion. But in the bible it already says ‘on the 7th day thou shalt rest’, right?

Does anybody get how insane that actually is???

It’s the same with the dogs, really. We love those animals so much that we keep them locked up in a concrete prison all day. We leave them alone whilst we’re away, working at minimum wage to be able to pay for their crappy dry food. We take them out once or twice a day so they can shit – at a time we’re telling them to, obviously.

The dog wants to go off the boardwalk and sniff another dog’s piss, but he can’t, can he now? Because we think we know what’s best for the animal we love so much and that’s why we pull on its leash, dragging the poor thing along in the linear fashion we think life unfolds! The same way we have always been dragged along by our equally conditioned parents, by public schooling etc…

The whole thing is very representative of how we ‘love’ in the western world these days.

Be it between partners or family members, we’re always trying to own them rather than actually loving them. At least in my eyes, true love is freedom.

But I get it now – dogs became man’s best friend when humans started eating- and accepting shit from others whilst still loving the hell out of their prison guards.

There’s a name for that, too- Stockholm syndrome.



The Real Bloody Fox

Explorer of the forgotten world 🏰🗿 Chillihead & Brewer @bloodyfoxfoods 🌶🍺 Digital Content Creator 📸📹