The Real Bloody Fox
2 min readSep 18, 2021


Gas lighting in the Ponzi world

Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse where a person or group makes someone question their sanity, perception of reality, or memories. People experiencing gaslighting often feel confused, anxious, and unable to trust themselves. (Source:

Painting a false picture by repeating information often enough so it seems true. Even to a point where you are so convinced it is the truth that you throw your own intuition out the window together with any last piece of common sense.

Unfortunately that is the case in many areas of life these days and also in crypto and in online business.

Take, for example, the following project. It is a crypto coin connected to an MLM structure and everyone who has ever been involved in an MLM probably knows about the way they use toxic positivity to brainwash their members like the cult they are.

You would find charts like the following one posted by their affiliates on Facebook to promote ‘how well their coin is doing’. Connected with buzzwords and hashtags like #financialfreedom #ToTheMoon #IfYouThinkYouHaveEnoughYouDont they create the perfect ad for anyone gullible enough not to do their own research. Including me.

An increase of almost 74% in one week seems quite attractive but unless you are an experienced crypto currency trader who knows how to take advantage of this increase you will not be making money.


Because if you look at the coin’s chart over a 6 months period or even further back, you’ll realise that the thing has been a disaster from the very beginning and has been in free fall ever since its launch.

Looking at the very bottom right of the below chart you can see how insignificant the 75% increase in that one week in August actually was:

The truth hurts, doesn’t it? 😁

Yet, its supporters only ever post pictures when it does go up, no matter how little and if you dare to question or even suggest something that isn’t 100% ‘positive’ you are being silenced, deleted, outcast.

This is why it is always so damn hard for them to come to terms with reality when the project eventually and inevitably collapses.

Don’t be fooled! 😉



The Real Bloody Fox

Explorer of the forgotten world 🏰🗿 Chillihead & Brewer @bloodyfoxfoods 🌶🍺 Digital Content Creator 📸📹