The Sky is NOT the Limit
There is no one to blame but yourself and your own beliefs.
Basically, your life is nothing but a movie — and if you don’t like the movie you can change the script!
But first you have to be aware of what’s going on, become conscious of the underlying story.
If a negative pattern keeps repeating in your life, such as ending up in abusive relationships or constantly going broke, then chances are that you have a subconscious belief around the subject that keeps holding you back.
Negative subconscious beliefs are often being formed during traumatic experiences or they can be learned during upbringing (conditioning), or like in my case, even inherited!
I made this experience myself when I started my own business last year. First, every time I tried to concentrate on making money, I would have an eczema popping up on my hands pretty much over night!
Once I got that one out of the way, I figured that I had a subconscious belief making me dependant on my mother for money — funnily enough inherited from my mum herself!
I became aware of this when my mum was my first investor in my business — but only after her own mother had died and the inheritance came through.
With a belief like that, especially not being consciously aware of it, it’s very easy to fall into a blamy mindset and just call everyone stupid for rejecting the amazing opportunity you are offering them! And yes, I was also guilty as charged. I couldn’t understand by the life of me how someone wouldn’t want to take advantage of my opportunity… But unless I’d have my mum with me, at least facilitating part of the deal, it wouldn’t happen, because I was acting as my 8-year old self rather than my adult one.
In order to move on from those limitations and live a truly happy and fulfilled life we must recognise and eliminate the root cause of those patterns.
The sky is not the limit… Your belief system is!